14 months
My precious lil baby is now 14 months old. I never did a 12 or 13 month letter to her, bad bad mommy :(. I thought this month I would just highlight a few things I don't want to forget in her life.
*WALKING!!! She walks. And it's fun and new. I love to see her walk. She seems much more grown up now that she's walking.
*Peek-a-BAH!!!! She loves loves to play peek-a-boo. But she calls it peek-a-BAH. As in she yells, BAH at the end. So, it's peek-a-BAH. I love it. She was laying on the bed with Jeremy and all of a sudden she sits up and yells, "PEEK-A-BAH!!!!!" and throws the pillow on his head. It was to die for cute. She'll even play by herself or with her animals!
*Pup-pup and pig-pig! She sleeps with pup-pup and pig-pig every night and for her nap. Pup-pup is a stuffed lil black lab puppy and pip-pig is piglet from Winnie the Pooh. She loves them both.
*Her amazing laugh when we tickle and play piggies with her toes. It is so contagious and brightens my whole day. And her snort. She starts laughing so hard she snorts, I love it.
*Her love for books. She loves loves loves to read. She plays with her books alot and brings them to us repeatedly for us to read to her. I'm so glad she's into books.
*SIGNING!!! Now that she has learned so much through sign language it is much easier for her to communicate with us. She signs eat, more, baby, all done, please, bird and milk. She is learning to talk and talks pretty good to us, but I love to see her sign.
*TALKING!! She says, daddy, puppy, bye bye, hi, please, thank you, cracker, drink, mommy, jake, peek-a-BAH, baby, ball, papa, baba (it was bottle, we're off that), birdie, book, auntie (if prompted). She tries to say; cat, kyle (one of her friends) riley (one of her friends), rana, sid. I can't think of anything else.
She absolutely loves balls. It's her favorite thing. She just loves them. And birdies and puppies. She's amazing. I love her more than I ever thought that I could or would. And it just keep getting better.
She weighs about 21 lbs (I could be off!)
Not sure how long she is.
Has 4 teeth fully in and 2 more poking their way up.
She eats mostly everything but loves fruits and veggies more than anything. Okay, not more than chocolate or ice cream. Which, she's had a very small amount of both!
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