Monday, July 4, 2011

i guess this is the link you need

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We've moooooooved

See me at

Saturday, February 26, 2011

pawkuh come out!

Macy Grace is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her sweet cousin Parker. Miranda is due to have him next weekend, but we would LOVE for him to make his debut at any time. And Macy can't wait. Every time we drive by the hospital Macy says, "Go see Pawkuh at hospital!" And we most definitely will, when it's time. She actually informed Miranda that she needed to go get Parker from the hospital. When we told her he has to come out of Rana's tummy first, she lifted up Rana's shirt and said, "Pawkuh, COME OUT!" haha, she always cracks us up :)

It's fun to see her like this because 7 months ago she didn't understand this concept with Ashton. Of course I'm not 100% confident she understands exactly what this is going to mean to her with Parker, but I hope she's nice to him. Aunt Rana and Dunkle Sid are her favorite people so, to have to share them, well, it could get interesting, let's just say that ;) She tells us she will hold Pawkuh, sleep wif Pawkuh, and take care of Pawkuh. And I'm am just a little anxious to snuggle with him :) So, now, it's the infamous waiting game.........

Friday, February 25, 2011


Because the weather is cold outside.
Because I'm OVER the cold weather.
Because I'm making coffee.
Because I just ate peach mango salsa at 9am.

I'm hoping to start blogging again.
I experience a huge blogger burnout. Last year. It makes me sad to really really think about it. I had a lot going on. I got tired. I had no energy. I feel like I've been behind on life for well, I would say, almost a year. It's frustrating. I experienced a very emotional and draining pregnancy. I wanted to blog, but I couldn't. Then I had the sweetest little boy in the world and adjusting to life with two babies and trying to get a business off the ground has been, exhausting at best. Ashton is now 7 months old and I finally feel like I'm getting a grip on my life again.

Ashton was sitting in the swing this morning and Macy Grace was practically laying on top of him, and the conversation went like this:
"Assston, I love you. Smoooooches. Give me eskimo kisses. Good. Give my butterfly kisses. Ah, good baby. I loooove you."
And it warmed my heart.

Because I found Macy 'nursing' her baby using my boppy the other day and because I can jump up and down, talk wild and do crazy things, only to get a smile out of my chubbster and all Miss Grace has to do is throw something across the room and look at Ashton they belly giggle for 45 seconds. Is that the sibling bond that can't be broken nor understood?

Because of these things, I want to start blogging again :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I feel horrible.
So here goes.

born: 7.2 lbs
one week: 7.12 lbs
6 weeks: 11.3 lbs
2 months: 13.6 lbs
4 months: 16.4 lbs
5 months: 17.7 lbs

I'm not sure on height :(


haven't posted in forever. I got blogger burnout bad. And that makes me sad.
I am VERY active over on facebook so friend me over there if you want! mindy upham

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