pawkuh come out!
Macy Grace is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her sweet cousin Parker. Miranda is due to have him next weekend, but we would LOVE for him to make his debut at any time. And Macy can't wait. Every time we drive by the hospital Macy says, "Go see Pawkuh at hospital!" And we most definitely will, when it's time. She actually informed Miranda that she needed to go get Parker from the hospital. When we told her he has to come out of Rana's tummy first, she lifted up Rana's shirt and said, "Pawkuh, COME OUT!" haha, she always cracks us up :)
It's fun to see her like this because 7 months ago she didn't understand this concept with Ashton. Of course I'm not 100% confident she understands exactly what this is going to mean to her with Parker, but I hope she's nice to him. Aunt Rana and Dunkle Sid are her favorite people so, to have to share them, well, it could get interesting, let's just say that ;) She tells us she will hold Pawkuh, sleep wif Pawkuh, and take care of Pawkuh. And I'm am just a little anxious to snuggle with him :) So, now, it's the infamous waiting game.........