scarry weekend!
Okay, so pretty much right after I wrote the previous post, disaster striked! I became a projectiling-vomit's the story!
I spent the weekend in the hospital:
Ugh, it was horrible and if I wasn't pregnant, I probably would have lied and said I feel fine and let me go home! I know, I know, that's awful, but I hate being there. I threw up ALL day Saturday. It was weird. I usually loose at least a portion of my breakfast on a normal day, but on Saturday, after I ate lunch, I just started projectiling vomit like crazy. I just couldn't believe it. I layed in bed for hours on end and each time I took a sip, I mean a sip, I started throwing up nonstop. Which led itself straight into diaherra madness. So, I was sitting on the toliet with a trash can, it was ridiculous. I called my ob and the answering machine said to call the hospital, so, I did. They didn't really have any advice for me, so I waited it out. I told Jeremy that if I threw up again that night we were going to the ER. Well, it started. I threw up just horribly. I was running a fever, had a headache, nausea, and diaherra. I go to the ER and they told me this was more than just pregnancy related, that I was dehydrated and had a viral flu. Nice. They didn't seem concerned to call my ob dr, just my reg physician. Well, by 2:30 am, they decided to keep me overnight, and as we were getting on the elevator, my dr was on there going to deliver a baby. He talked to me, and that made me feel better. They gave me phenergan for nausea and I haven't thrown up since. They put me on an IV for liquids, and I was so dehydrated, I didn't pee for 12 hours!!! I think that's a record for a pg lady!
They put me on an all-liquid diet and it was like they forgot that I was 11 weeks pg, and that I have a growing baby and despite my conditions, I was hungry! I lived off of shasta and soup, then today they gave me toast, YES! Well, needless to say, I feel much better, and I'm home.
They said this is a huge sickness going around my town, and to stay hydrated and stay away from sick children (ha! I'm a teacher!).
I felt silly going in, but I know it was best for the baby not to get dehydrated from vomitting and diaherra. I'm glad I'm better, I'm home, just ate a waffle and I'm getting ready to soak in the tub.
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