Is it Tuesday? Gosh I'm tired!
Disclaimer: The pictures in this post are simply snapshots of day to day stuff. I realized I don't grab my camera as much as I should especially because it is something I love so much! So, these are blurry, choppy, unprocessed, but they are REAL!
1. J left for a lil business trip for a few days, so it's just Macy Gracie and I.
And Jake.
2. The weather was beautiful outside yesterday, we took a few pictures.

She had just said, "Bye Jake Bye". He wasn't invited!

She looks like a big girl here to me!

She wasn't upset, I just got her off guard!

3. We went to Oregon last week. Or wait, we left two weeks ago, and came back last week. Wow, it went fast. I have lots to share from that trip.
4. I have decided, and I will not budge, on cribs for Macy Grace and peanut. I will not even look at another crib. haha....I change my mind WAY too much.
5. I'm feeling peanut move so much more and that feel wonderful =) It is, without a doubt the best part of pregnancy =)
6. Here are a few of random pics of MG around the house
Mohawk day - I made that up myself, haha. Sorry it's blurry!

She has important business to tend to. Never fails, can't find my phone? I ask Macy for it!

For some reason, I just love this shot! Her lil eyes pokin through!

She loves to brush hair!

7. I'm thrilled it's spring. Happy Spring!!! Did you hear that weather? Winter? Snow? It's spring.....STAY away. Far far away!
8. I say that because on Saturday was the first day of spring and it has cold, and wet, and traces of snow. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
9. You cannot prove and I will not admit that I ate a whole bag of mini cadbury eggs last week....nope.
10. I think I gained 5 lbs at grandmas!! Yup. Sad thing.
Macy did fabulous just fabulous on the plane ride. She earned big bucks for her pig bank =) We flew out at 6:30am, and I woke her up around 5 hoping she would be excited and energetic by the time we got on the plane that she would stay awake til we got to Denver. Nope, didn't happen. She crashed the second the plane started moving and slept almost the entire way to Denver. I want to sleep so badly. I was exhausted, but just couldn't. We landed in Denver and didn't have much time to get to our next connection which was a 2hr 51min ride to Portland. And she was hyped up! I was planned and good thing =) She did really well though and just played with her books, had a snack and only fussed two times for about a minute to minute and a half wanting 'out' and 'down'! Towards the end of the flight I gave her her beloved apple (her most favorite thing eat!) and with about 20 minutes til landing she crashed while chomping on her apple. She was tired. The trip was great, but she could not adjust to the time difference. Meaning, she was up around 5:30 every morning, nap at 10 to 10:30 and crabby and ready for bed by 6:30 every night. Ah, it was exhausting.
On the way home, I ended up with an empty seat beside me (score!) and she fell asleep about 10 mins after take off, so I laid her next to me and she was out for about 2 hours. She woke up for the last 30 mins or so of the flight and had a snack. She did really well the rest of they way home and it seems true, she's still a great traveler =)