Friday, March 19, 2010


Here I am, 5:36am, blogging. Yes, early. However, I truly don't consider 5:36am all that early. I don't. I'm crazy I know. But it is early considering I couldn't sleep until after 11 last night and I don't have daycare today so I have ZERO reason to be up before Macy Gracie.

Except, I do. I'm behind. So far behind on everything my body knew I had to wake up. And after laying here for an hour, I thought this is ridiculous, I'm getting up.

I'm not a time waster. Although many folks would argue that, if they knew how many hours I log into my computer time. But it's not all play. It's work. It is. And creativity. And inspiration. So, I justify. But I don't watch tv. At all. I don't have cable or satelitte. What little I watch (which is like the bachelor!) I watch online, skipping commercials making the best of my precious time.

But I do read my google reader and I have quite a few subscriptions. And I blog. Kinda. And twitter. And facebook. But I think I'm getting good/better at my time management. My ipod touch has helped me. I can help that lil gadget out and in no time at all, without sitting at my computer, check twitter, google reader, and facebook. Which is exactly why I haven't been blogging.

And I feel ashamed of myself. I blogged so much with Macy. It helped me feel connected to her. I bonded. I bonded with my growing baby over things I read about my pregnancy, blogging my thoughts and feelings. Noting every.little.thing about my pregnancy.

This time I obviously have not. And I feel bad. Guilty.

It's not just my pregnancy, but my life. Where has my life gone this year? Gosh, so much has happened. My life is constantly changing. Flexibility is the name of my game. I haven't wrote about it. Must.change.that. Now!!

I'll shoot some belly pics today and post them later, trust me, you don't want to see pics of me this early before the sun comes up, I'm still a pumpkin.

And I went to Oregon last week! Yup, I was gone and never told ya. So, I have pictures from that relaxing trip.

And we're moving. Huh, again. In like 6 weeks or so!?! Give or take. I refuse to move the week I have peanut like I did with Macy Grace.

I'm 21 weeks pregnant, feel like I've been it's been 10 months already and had my u/s and so I have pictures and an incredible video to share.

I have photo shoots to proof and new ones to prepare for.

I have spring cleaning and house cleaning to do (which has been postponed until nicer weather - snow is in the forecast for today! boo!). Well, I'm still cleaning house, when am I not!?!, but the spring cleaning has been postponed until like June. Just kidding, kinda.

So, here I am. Sharing this all with you in effort to release my guilt and not feel so ashamed of myself. I've been really stressed and busy lately. I need this outlet, big time. It's therapeutic.


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