Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All things pregnancy

All things baby.

I basically have disappeared from the earth this month. I think I'm 27 weeks pregnant and getting ready to start the 3rd trimester. Holy moly. I would say I think thru the 2nd trimester, but that would be far far from the truth.

I've had a dream about the peanut, it was girl. Although with Macy, I had several dreams she was a boy. So, take that with a grain of salt.

I have nothing for this baby except 3 dresses and pair of shoes (I just couldn't resist!) and one outfit for a boy. I think you can find cute stuff for boys, but it's not as easy. I thought if I bought the girl stuff and my friend had a girl, I would give them to her, but she bought a boy. So, I may be stuck with 3 adorable dresses and 1 pair of cute cute shoes for nothing.

However, I wouldn't be sad. A boy would add a lil pizzaz to our family. I can honestly and truthfully say I don't care.

I'm carrying differently this time I feel. I feel longer. But then again, I can hardly remember my name so I have a hard time remembering exactly how I carried with Macy.

I have a harder time bending over, but that's to be expected.

I actually don't get alot of comments over the pregnancy. Recently a few people have mentioned what they think I'm having but in general, a whole lot less than with Macy. And it's probably split girl/boy. With Macy everyone but like 2 people said girl.

This peanut isn't as active either. That freaks me out. Could I really have a laid back child? Uh, probably not.

Peanut is about the size of an eggplant and growing everyday. Fun, fun :)

I have an evergrowing list of things to buy. In another post I'll explain why we haven't done jack diddly with it though.

I have some belly pics, but because I'm actually SITTING down and BLOGGING, I don't wanna go get my camera and upload them right now. I will later. PROMISE.

I am generally just so excited that I'm having another baby. It is different though. There are days I feel like I've been pregnant forever and a day and other days I feel hardly pregnant. I get nostalgic thinking about Macy not being my only baby, or the baby, any more and I just want to bottle up this time and savor it. She's amazing, but that's for another post, "All things Macy Grace", it should be a good one :)


Myndee April 28, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

Congrats!! I can relate to a lot of the things in your post. I keep dreaming I'm having a boy, but who knows!! We'll see shortly. :)

K April 28, 2010 at 2:47 PM  

Yay for updates!

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