Wednesday, June 25, 2008

in the stillness of the night

Last night Jeremy had off work and we were planning on getting some work around the house done. I started to get a headache and decided I needed some sleep. I laid down and had quite a light show outside my windows as we were having a lightning storm. I love rain storms. And we are in dier need of some rain. Jeremy and I laid down and just listened to the storm. He put his hand on my tummy trying to wait for a bump and fell asleep. I was awake. The rain was falling, the lightning and thunder, it brought a very comforting stillness. I was reminded of my wonderful life and just had to thank God for everything He had given me. Even though my house is going through some changes and I tend to get a little stressed, I have a more than adequate home. I have been blessed with a loving husband who cares more about me then I could ever imagine. I've received the most wonderful gift anyone could ask for - the gift of motherhood. And to top it off, I even have the cutest little black furbaby around, Jake. God truly has blessed me and I'm eternally thankful.


lovinmarriedlife June 30, 2008 at 6:07 PM  

now I need tissues for sure. This has to be one of the most beautiful posts I have read in a long time...I hope you continue to feel blessed!

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