gestational diabetes test
I never did an update with my last appt. I had it a week ago, and everything went good. I was a tad nervous about the gestational diabetes test, just cause. I basically think I have more trouble with my blood sugar being too low, but because I'm pregnant and have actually never had a diabetes test, a part of me couldn't shake the scare. Well, all is fine. I drank the juice and had an appt with the dr. He had a slighlty difficult time finding the heartbeat but that was because the bean was all over the place! He commented that this is an active one today and I said, I just drank that sugar drink for the diabetes test, that made more sense to him. I forgot to ask about the heartbeat. But it tends to be on a downward slide of getting slower and slower, so, I'm anxious to see if the famed ole wives tale of over 140 hpm is a girl and under is a boy! I was up 15 lbs, so that seems to be good. My next appt is Tuesday, August 26th. How crazy!
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