Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I am so proud of Macy Grace. She is starting to sit up so well now and crawls all over the place. She's not up on all fours yet, but she skoots and army crawls EVERYWHERE!!! It is just amazing how much she changes


Myndee June 10, 2009 at 7:23 PM  

That's so sweet. It's amazing how much they grow and how happy it makes you to see them reach a new milestone.

So, to answer your CD questions: we use Wonder Wraps covers. I got them because they are one size and on sale. They work, but I'd prefer thirsties. I have mostly Mommy's touch pockets, they work nice, but I have a few BG's, and they work great- the thing I like better about them is that they're trimmer than the MT's and they don't leave any marks on her thighs- none of them leave bad marks, but the BG's don't really leave any. Thanks for the compliments on K. All her hair is from her daddy, haha. :)

Leslie G June 11, 2009 at 11:12 PM  

YAY! So exciting- though now you'll never get to sit down... or leave her unattended while you do laundry...or do ANYTHING without her getting into something! =)

K June 13, 2009 at 12:54 PM  

Awww... :)

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