Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Oh my yesterday was an AWFUL day! For the first time in a VERY VERY long time, my computer wasn't even touched! I was in bed all day with the sickies. Oh, I'm very thankful it was only a 24 hour bug and it is gone! I am also extremely thankful for my dear friend Charity who came to my rescue as I was a crying, blubbering mess on the phone at 7:45am...she saved me by picking up Macy Grace and loving on her all day long. Oh, it was so needed.
On a positive note, I lost 4 to 5 lbs because of the nastiness, which will be gained right back today, I'm just sure of it!


Mommy Moreno March 10, 2009 at 3:17 PM  

what a WONDERFUL friend! Glad to hear youre feeling better and it didnt last too long. :)

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