Thursday, March 13, 2008

bfp symptoms

A forum I post the question was asked bfp and pregnancy symptoms, here was what I wrote:
Truthfully, I felt exactly the same when I got my BFP as I normally do when my AF is coming. Although we were trying, I was not thinking we got it this month, so I totally wrote this month off and viewed everything as AF. I would say about 3 or 4 days after my BFP I noticed my boobs were getting fuller and my nipples looked different, but now, even at almost 7 weeks, I'm a little more tired, boobs still hurt, sometimes more than others (I think it's important to note that my boobs always hurt before AF and they did with my BFP also) and hurt is different, they are a little harder and fuller, I'm bloated and have slight waves of nausea (which I haven't noticed emensely and I think it's because I have bouts of nausea pre-pg). Seriously I feel great, different, I can tell I'm pg, but great, I can't complain.


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