Wednesday, March 26, 2008

overdue for an update

I don't like going this long without an update, but truth be known on WHY I've gone a whole week:
MORNING SICKNESS, but it's not just morning sickness, it's afternoon sickness, evening sickness, midnight sickness, whenever the little bug decides to bite!
It's not THAT bad and I think I've learned how to control it *knock-on-wood*. The secret - always eat! Sounds simple doesn't it? It's not. Why? Nothing sounds good. Oh, wait, yeah, nothing. So, instead of just trying to come up with something to eat that sounds good, I decide to eat anyways. And even if it's not good or doesn't sound good, I make myself eat it, just to keep from feeling ill. Now, I could be one, sick, vomiting-projectile machine, and I'm not, so I am thankful. I'm just nauseous pretty much all day.
But a "Healthy baby and pregnancy = I'll take it"!

My spring break is over and I was dreading with everything within me on going back to school on Tuesday, but I managed. I eat two crackers an hour, drink 7-up relentlessly, and suck on jolly ranchers. So, I survived my first 2 days back to work, and I think I'll make it through the week.

I do have a difficult time sleeping through the night. I thought it was because I was napping during the day, so yesterday I tried to go without a nap and was still up between 2-4am. Is this called pregnancy preparation? I want to sleep NOW as opposed to trying to get some shut-eye in about a year! My arms fall asleep, my lower-back hurts, I have to pee. Geesh. I'm really hoping for all-nighter tonight, and I'm thinking an all-nighter of sleep, not reading =)

I have been putting alot of thought recently into when I'll tell my friends and others that I'm pregnant. I wonder if anyone has their suspensions yet?!? Not that they could tell by my size, but just intuition.

We did tell my parents, it was sweet. I sent them flowers that said
The price of these flowers $14.99
The price of this delivery $6.00
Knowing we are expecting...

I think they liked it. They called congratulating me. Yeah!

It feels weird. I feel like I know that I'm pregnant and have known for so long, that it's not a surprise anymore. Like when I tell people they won't be surprised because I've known for so long, that this is old news. Why do I feel this way? I mean, of course it is exciting, just no one knows yet! How will they react?!? Shocked? Excited?

I may tell next week, and I may decide to wait 3 more weeks. I'm leaving town in 2 weeks and maybe I'll wait until I get back to share the news. I have time to think about it.


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