Saturday, September 13, 2008

completely scattered

It feels like I have so much to share, and I just don't know where to start...

I do have a positive thing, and that is I slept great last night and took a nap today so, I feel pretty good. Now, I hope I can sleep tonight!
I've been thinking alot on the nursery and everything I still need to get for the baby. I'm thinking the discover card will be put into overdrive this week! I definitely need to order the furniture THIS week. It's just so crazy thinking about having a baby in a few, very short weeks. I've been contemplating about what color to paint the room. I can't decide between a really light icy silvery blue or an ivory color. I'm leaning more towards the blue. Because optimistically I'm hoping it happens this coming week, I said optimistically. It will seem SO real when that happens, I know it.
My mind just shuffles from thought to thought and thing to do to thing to do and it's hard work keeping up sometimes. Today I came across a really cute idea for the a picture collage for over the crib, I think I'm going to try it. I just have so much I'm wanting to do with the nursery and I change my mind too often.
I'm also contemplating the whole, sleeping in the crib from the first night thing to sleeping in a bassinet beside the bed. It's a tough call, and one that I think I'm only going to be able to know what to do when the baby gets here. We'll try several options, and see what works the best I suppose. I also can't decide on a glider/rocker in the nursery. I think I'm going to pass and if I decide I really want one, I'll move it in there as opposed to the living room.
I also need to decide on a diaper bag. I need one. I should get one. But can't find one that I just LOVE. Plus, do I get black or brown...oh the decisions. I'm thinking about two different ones right now. I'm just so picky and it's hard to shop over the net. I feel like I need to see it in person and touch it.

I've done basically nothing all day and should get busy doing something. Clean the kitchen perhaps? Or how about make a list of things I need to buy? Go make dinner? Ugh, eating is overrated.

I'm off, I'll be back with more, trust me.

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