Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I had a dr's appt today and it went very good. Dr. K was in surgery so after waiting 40 minutes his nurse saw me and I just really like her. She is very informative and is willing to explain everything to you and understand your questions. I am measuring exactly on track and the bean's heartrate was 154. My blood pressure is perfect for me and my weight stayed the same from the past 2 weeks, so that is a plus - up a total of 22 lbs. My next appt is in 2 weeks and I will be checked internally for some type of virus that if I'm positive for, they will treat at birth. I didn't catch the name of the virus they will be checking for.
I can't believe how fast time has flown by and at the same time, crept by. I was telling the nurse how I'm anxious and I suppose you could say, scared, about delivery, but she just assured me that in the moment your body just takes over. She said you start working with the contractions and realize you can't be pregnant forever so, the baby MUST come out. I know all that, but it's just comforting to hear it from a 'trained professional' hehehe =)


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