Sunday, November 2, 2008

the end.

I made it. I feel like I should be receiving flowers or some reward as I made it to the end of my pregnancy. Or haven't I? I mean, technically, I am past my due date, shouldn't this be over?
I was laying in bed last night with Jeremy and told him I feel like this is as good as it gets (and I must add, I feel REALLY good for being in my 41st week of pregnancy!). I completed the mission. It doesn't feel like there is anything else. I don't feel like I'm getting a baby out of this, it just doesn't feel real. To me it just seems like gameover, you won, on to the next thing. But I know that isn't how it ends. Actually, it's just the beginning. I'm going to go to the hospital and have a baby and bring it home and I'll be responsible for this precious lil baby for forever. But it just doesn't seem real. Pregnancy, it's real. Getting a baby in the end, not so much. I've been advised, it'll seem real enough in no time! I suppose they are right, but I feel like I should be waking up some time soon and no more baby belly, and no baby....because I finished the game.

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