Thursday, November 13, 2008


I have a few thoughts that have been generating inside of my head that I would like to share. I don't know how much you'll enjoy reading these, but they are mainly for me I suppose.

I loved being pregnant. I really did. I wasn't sick hardly at all, I was able to continue about my daily activities, I gained some weight (28 lbs to be exact)and at times felt huge, but overall felt great. I had a wonderful pregnancy.
I'm sad my first time to be pregnant is over. That was my last first time mom thing.
And I'm excited about being pregnant again!
I even enjoyed labor and delivery. Looking back that hour between 3:45 and 4:45 was rough, but how on earth can I complain, 1 hour of hard labor....that's nothing.
I love Macy Grace so much. I feel sad that she is no longer inside of me and I have to share her with the world but at the same time, I'm going to love introducing her to everyone.
I wanted my 'old body' back but hated losing that I shared it with someone so special.
Jeremy named Macy Grace. We had 3 names we both loved and I didn't love one of them more than the other so I left that to him. When she was born he instantly said, Macy Grace. And it is so perfect for her.
Jeremy was incredible during my entire pregnancy, labor, and delivery. He was absolutely amazed at the process of delivery and so supportive and encouraging through out it as well.
I stare at Macy Grace and share things with her about how much I love her, how special she is, and how I will do absolutely anything in the world for her. She is my baby girl.
After Macy Grace was born, and it was just the 3 of us in our room, Jeremy was holding her and I'll never forget looking over in the recliner and seeing him cry. He isn't a crier but I asked if he was okay and he just shook his head and said, She's my baby. I'll never, ever forget that.

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K November 13, 2008 at 6:57 PM  

Awww..that last one was so sweet. :)

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