Monday, November 17, 2008

playing catch up...aka, a very long post!

It has been a few days since I've made an entry....I can't figure out why, hm. I've been crazy busy and it is difficult to post with one hand while the other is busy holding the most precious lil bundle of joy ever. Normally, I like to have 2 hands for that, she is cuddly. But I wanted to provide a little catch up over the past few days.

Macy Grace is doing fabulous at sleeping and eating. I'm not up every 2 hours with her, she normally eats about every 3-4 hours. Which is great. Sometimes during the day she will get hungry around 2-3 hours, but mostly it's at least 3 even 4 hours apart.

She has grown so much and changed. Every time someone sees her they comment that she has changed, and I know she will continue to do so for quite some time now. She still has her patch of red between her eyes, I suppose it will fade through time. We'll ask the dr next week for her first pediatric visit.

Today at a mere 9 days old, we crossed to milestones. She took the pacifier for the first time (and it was SO cute!) and we decided it was time for size 1 diapers - no more newborns. After 2 blowouts in a row, we needed to make the switch. My itty bitty is no longer in newborn diapers, that's sad. We should be in size one for a little while though.

This weekend held a few fun things though. She had her baby shower on Saturday and went to church for the first time yesterday. And she looked mightly adorable in her outfits. (I'll post pics at the end of the post of everything.) Her shower was a great success. I have a lot of thank you notes to fill out and send, but I'll manage. We were so blessed we wonderful gifts. I can't think of anything that Macy Grace needs that she didn't receive. I'm just so thankful. The outfit that she wore was a gift for her Auntie Tif and we love it - she just looks so stylish in it for a week old baby =) At her shower, the guests were asked to write down pieces of advice for me as a mother and the cards were given to me, it was very special. I received some great tips. But mostly everyone said to just enjoy the time, because they grow up so fast, that made me cry. I love sitting and hugging on my baby, I don't want to grow up and change, I love her cuddly little body that just lets me hold her and she doesn't try to slip away. It's moments like that I just want time to stand still for a while.

I'm going to make another post about some of the neat items she received and I'll provide a review on them for future reference.

I am trying to take a picture every Saturday (since that is the day she was born) for a whole year, that is my goal. It will be interesting to see how much she changes.

I'm providing pictures then I'm going to work on this ever growing mass around me of baby things and get it all organized, oh, baskets are calling my name =)

Never mind me, but I like this one of Macy Grace

Ready for the party!

At the shower

The presents unwrapped and in our living room

One week old!

Macy Grace's first Sunday dress


K November 17, 2008 at 10:27 PM  

Love the pictures! You look great, and Macy is adorable. :)

The Bowen Peanut November 18, 2008 at 12:17 PM  

I only hope I look that great after delivering a baby!!
And her facial expressions at just a week old! WOW! She's going to be f-u-n!!!

Mommy Moreno November 20, 2008 at 12:24 PM  

You look awesome! and she is adorable!

and it looks like you two got a ton of fun loot :D

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