Wednesday, April 22, 2009

why college made be better

In my previous post, I highlighted my fabulous friends and what they mean to me. Several of my friends are from my college years. And it was sad to think they are my friends for life and yet 2,000 miles separates us. So, I started thinking about college and my college experience. I understand that not everyone goes to college, while I am a HUGE college advocate, my own husband has never attended a class. And to each their own.

However, for me, college was the best experience of my life. Aside from the freedom one enjoys in being on their own for the first time and everything that goes with that, college taught me about life. They say you change the most between the years of 18 and 25; you make the most important life decisions in those years. And it was in the few short years of college that I started to become the person I am today, a better person than before.

College taught me to embrace life. You live once. Let it go - the stress, the worry, the frustrations. Live day by day, for it's a gift, that's why we call it the present.

College taught me to value friendships. For it was in those years my true friends shined through. I made friends. And I lost friends. Value the friendships worth fighting for.

College taught me to let go of my expectations. For my expectations should be from God. This single one lesson as improved my life more than I would have though possible. Most of the time when we get upset and disappointed, we find ourself saying, "I just didn't expect this" or "I expected them to know better" or " I just expected you to know" etc and I learned if I just wouldn't ever expect anything of anybody (but God) I would be a better person - and I am. Everytime I'm disappointed or frustrated and I start mumbling that word "expected" I put myself into check and ask, was it right? Should I really have expected that? Because the Bible tells me my expectation should be from God. This single truth has changed me.

College taught me to give 'em a pass. Not everyone is like me. And that's okay. Before I become so quick to judge and throw stones take a step back and give 'em a pass. When someone is really rude to me and treats me in a way that I just shouldn't be treated (why? Did I have an expectation from them?) take a minute and analyze. Don't fire back, just give 'em a pass. We have no idea what they are facing. We have no idea what is going on in their life. We have no idea what they have been through. Just give 'em a pass.

College taught me I am a nobody. If I would remember that then I can't get hurt because you can't hurt a nobody. We get hurt when we think we are somebody. When our pride puffs us up and reminds us that we are somebody and nobody should treat us like that, we are wrong. We are a nobody. Try it, it works.

College made me better because I lived with strangers and survived, lol, for those friends who know of my college living experiences, trust me to say that I survived is no understatement. But it made me better because I learned to put aside differences and strive for unity.

I am a better person because I learned outward appearance only goes so skin deep. A person is who they are based on what's inside, despite their outward show.

I learned it doesn't matter where you are from, what you have been through, what you look like, or what language you speak, we all have a common factor and that is we all want to be loved.

I am a better person because I learned it's okay to be different. And it's okay to love someone different than you. Learn about them and love them.

I learned all of these things through life experiences and that experience for me was at college. It was the uprooting of my present life, stripping me of my past and familiarities, launching me into unchartered territory that forced me to meet new people. It challenged me to expand my perspective and explore a side of me that had been untapped it's entire life. It truly changed my life. It made me a better person.


K April 24, 2009 at 11:46 AM  

I loved college. :) Obviously. *laughter* I can't seem to stop going...

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